Lynora Bayless

Get Your Mind Right

As you consider making changes to move forward in your life, there is one difficulty you are likely to encounter so we might as well address it right now. You will find it smack dab in the middle of the 4-6 inches between your ears. It is called “your resistance.” Overcoming this obstacle is arguably the greatest challenge in all of life. But if you keep doing what you’ve always done, nothing changes, right?

Lynora invites you to a journey through her 7-week faith-based study called Devoted Bodies. Regardless of your religious beliefs, you will begin to see that the building blocks of health are as ancient as the Bible itself. During the 7 weeks you will be able to:

  • Thoroughly evaluate your relationship with food
  • Fully appreciate the miracle of God’s design for health and the freedom it brings—freedom from illness, excess weight and food addiction.
  • Participate in a 40-day challenge, taking time to eat in a new, health-promoting way.
  • Grasp the realities of our food supply.
  • Examine your health from a stewardship perspective—taking care of your body ensures you will be here to accomplish the things you desire, and for the people you love.
  • Come to grips with the powerful seduction of the food and pharmaceutical culture you live in and how your thinking about sickness and recovery has been affected.
  • Set aside any limiting beliefs you have concerning your diet, health and weight.
  • Receive many practical steps for living life whole: body, mind and soul. The support starts with meal plans, recipes and even grocery lists.